Wednesday, April 24, 2019

32 - Brian Eno - Here Come The Warm Jets - 1974

Side One
Needles in the Camel's Eye
The Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch
Baby's On Fire
Cindy Tells Me
Driving Me Backwards

Side Two
On Some Faraway Beach
Blank Frank
Dead Finks Don't Talk
Some of Them Are Old
Here Come The Warm jets

DISCOVERY; In the same Circus Magazine there were album reviews. After the main reviews followed the more obscure and the stuff they didn't like which included Here Come The Warm Jets. It was the wording, the way the writer panned the album that made me think I might like it. So there I was at Zayre Shoppers City staring at the very album. Do I take the leap? Buy a second LP that isn't Beatles related? Yes, what could possibly go wrong?

WHEN & WHERE; So there I'd gone from The Beatles to David Bowie and Brian Eno in one smooth step. From four regular guys from Liverpool to a couple of puffs who wore make-up. All perfectly normal.

Of course I knew nothing about Eno's background with Roxy Music. I needed a book, The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of ROCK (or some such grandiose) to illuminate all these connections. This would be about the point when making lists became a thing.

As for this album, Baby's On Fire, one of the greatest songs ever conceived and one of the 10 best guitar solos in the history of guitar solos ever. The only other thing to note is my thinking at the time, wouldn't it be great if Eno hooked up with Bowie at some point. They should collaborate I thought. Wouldn't it be great if just by thinking something you could make it happen?

HIGHLIGHTS; Side one! Blank Frank and Dead Finks Don't Talk. The rest of this album made my plastic stereo buzz. I really needed a new stereo...

STATUS; Must Have

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